Word Wise
The right word in the wrong place

There are dozens of widely used words in English that look like and sound like other words but have different meanings. This module covers the most common of these troublesome twosomes. And more than simply pointing out their difference, each listing will provide you with a brief Memory Key: a word or phrase that will help you choose the word in each pairing that accurately expresses the idea you want to convey.

THE DIRTY DOZEN. This section brings together 12 of the most commonly confused word pairings in English.
WORLD’S APART. The problem you create for your readers when you make the wrong choice between the words covered in this module is that their definitions are the polar opposite of each other.
A LETTER OR TWO APART. The confusion created by the word pairings in this section is rooted in how closely the two words resemble each other.
SHADES OF MEANING Word twosomes that mean roughly—but not exactly the same thing.